Functions from webminlog module

This module contains functions for parsing the Webmin actions log file.

my @actions = webminlog::list_webmin_log(undef, "useradmin", undef, undef);
foreach my $a (@actions) {
    print webminlog::get_action_description($a),"\n";
list_webmin_log([only-user], [only-module], [start-time, end-time])

Returns an array of matching Webmin log events, each of which is a hash ref in the format returned by parse_logline (see below). By default all actions will be returned, but you can limit it to a subset using by setting the following parameters:

  • only-user - Only return actions by this Webmin user
  • only-module - Only actions in this module
  • start-time - Limit to actions at or after this Unix time
  • end-time - Limit to actions at or before this Unix time

Converts a line of text in the format used in /var/webmin/webmin.log into a hash ref containing the following keys:

  • time - Unix time the action happened
  • id - A unique ID for the action
  • user - The Webmin user who did it
  • sid - The user’s session ID
  • ip - The IP address they were logged in from
  • module - The Webmin module name in which the action was performed
  • script - Relative filename of the script that performed the action
  • action - A short action name, like ‘create’
  • type - The kind of object being operated on, like ‘user’
  • object - Name of the object being operated on, like ‘joe’
  • params - A hash ref of additional information about the action

Returns details of file changes made by this action. Each of which is a hash ref with the keys:

  • type - The change type, such as create, modify, delete, exec, sql or kill
  • object - The file or database the change was made to
  • diff - A diff of the file change made
  • input - Input to the command run, if available

Returns details of original files before this action was taken. Each is a hash ref containing keys:

  • type - One of create, modify or delete
  • file - Full path to the file
  • data - Original file contents, if any

Returns the text of the log annotation for this action, or undef if none.

save_annotation(&action, text)

Updates the annotation for some action.


Finds files either under some dir, or starting with some path in the same directory.


Returns 1 if the current Webmin user can view log entries for the given user.


Returns 1 if the current Webmin user can view log entries for the given module.


Returns the structure for some action identified by an ID, in the same format as returned by parse_logline.


Updates the given hash with mappings between action IDs and file positions. For internal use only really.

get_action_description(&action, [long])

Returns a human-readable description of some action. This is done by calling the file in the action’s source module. If the long parameter is set to 1 and the module provides a more detailed description for the action, it will be returned.