Functions from usermin module

Functions for configuring Usermin running on this system.

my @usermods = usermin::list_usermin_usermods();
push(@usermods, [ 'joe', '', 'mailbox changepass' ]);

Similar to the standard get_miniserv_config function, but this one fills in the given hash ref with the contents of the /etc/usermin/miniserv.conf file.


Writes out the Usermin miniserv configuration, based on the given hash ref.


Returns the version number of Usermin on this system.


Send a HUP signal to Usermin’s miniserv, telling it to restart and re-read all configuration files.


Sends a USR1 signal to the miniserv process, telling it to re-read most configuration files.


Fills in the given hash ref with the contents of the global Usermin configuration file, typically at /etc/usermin/config.


Writes the given hash ref to the global Usermin configuration file.


Returns an array of all Usermin themes. The format is the same as the webmin::list_themes function.


Returns a list of all Usermin modules installed and supported on this system. Each is a hash ref in the same format as returned by Webmin’s get_module_info function.

get_usermin_module_info(module, [noclone])

Returns a hash contain details of a module, in the same format as Webmin’s get_module_info function. Useful keys include:

  • dir - The module’s relative directory
  • desc - The human-readable title
  • category - Category the module is in, like login or apps
  • depends - Space-separated list of dependent modules
  • os_support - List of supported operating systems and versions

Like get_usermin_module_info, but returns the details of a theme instead. This is basically the contents of its file.


Given a Usermin module information hash ref (as returned by get_usermin_module_info), checks if it is supported on this OS. Returns 1 if yes, 0 if no.

read_usermin_acl(&array, &array)

Reads the acl file into the given hashes. The first maps user,module to 1 where granted, which the second maps a user to an array ref of module dirs.


Returns the file containing the webmin ACL.

save_usermin_acl(user, &modules)

Updates the list of available modules in Usermin.

Installs a Usermin module or theme, and returns either an error message or references to three arrays for descriptions, directories and sizes. On success or failure, the file is deleted if the unlink parameter is set.


Returns the list of additional module restrictions for Usermin. This is a list of array refs, each element of which contains a username, a flag and an array ref of module names. The flag can be one of:

  • + Add the modules to the list available to this user.
  • - Take the modules away from this user.
  • blank - Assign the modules to the list for this user.

Saves the list of additional module restrictions. This must be an array ref in the same format as returned by list_usermin_usermods.


Returns a list of Usermin users from miniserv.users. In normal use, there is only one, as all authentication is done using Unix users.

save_usermin_miniserv_users(&user, …)

Updats the list of Usermin miniserv users, each of which is a hash ref in the format returned by get_usermin_miniserv_users.


Returns 1 if the current Webmin user can use some function of this module.


Gets the Usermin version, rounded to the nearest .01


Rounds a version number to the nearest .01


Finds the cron job for Usermin updates, given an array ref of cron jobs as returned by cron::list_cron_jobs.

delete_usermin_module(module, [delete-acls])

Deletes some Usermin module, clone or theme, and return a description of the thing deleted.


Forces a rebuild of the Usermin module cache.


Kills the running Usermin server process, returning undef on success or an error message on failure.


Starts the Usermin server process. Return value is always undef.


Returns the package type Usermin was installed form (rpm, deb, solaris-pkg or undef for tar.gz).


Returns a set-cookie header and redirect URL for auto-logging into Usermin as some user.