Functions from init module

Common functions for boot/shutdown sequences. Because each system uses a different format and semantics for bootup actions, there are separate functions for listing and managing each type. However, some functions like enable_at_boot and disable_at_boot can create actions regardless of the underlying boot system.

my $ok = init::action_status('foo');
if ($ok == 0) {
init::enable_at_boot('foo', 'Start or stop the Foo server',
                     '/etc/foo/start', '/etc/foo/stop');

This variable is set based on the bootup system in use. Possible values are:

  • osx - MacOSX hostconfig files
  • rc - FreeBSD 6+ RC files
  • init - System V init.d files, seen on Linux and Solaris
  • local - A single rc.local file
  • win32 - Windows services
runlevel_actions( level, S|K )

Return a list of init.d actions started or stopped in some run-level, each of which is a space-separated string in the format: number name inode.


Returns a list of known runlevels, such as: 2 3 5.


List boot time action names from init.d, such as httpd and cron.

action_levels( S|K, action )

Return a list of run levels in which some action (from init.d) is started or stopped. Each item is a space-separated string in the format: level order name

action_filename( name )

Returns the path to the file in init.d for some action, such as /etc/init.d/foo.

runlevel_filename( level, S|K, order, name )

Returns the path to the actual script run at boot for some action, such as /etc/rc3.d/S99foo.

add_rl_action( action, runlevel, S|K, order )

Add some existing action to a runlevel. The parameters are :

  • action - Name of the action, like foo
  • runlevel - A runlevel number, like 3
  • S/K - Either S for an action to run at boot, or K for shutdown
  • order - Numeric boot order, like 99
delete_rl_action( name, runlevel, S|K )

Delete some action from a runlevel. The parameters are:

  • action - Name of the action, like foo
  • runlevel - A runlevel number, like 3
  • S/K - Either S for an action to run at boot, or K for shutdown
reorder_rl_action( name, runlevel, S|K, new_order )

Change the boot order of some existing runlevel action. The parameters are:

  • action - Name of the action, like foo
  • runlevel - A runlevel number, like 3
  • S/K - Either S for an action to run at boot, or K for shutdown
  • new_order - New numeric boot order to use, like 99
rename_action( old, new )

Change the name of an action in init.d, and re-direct all soft links to it from the runlevel directories. Parameters are:

  • old - Old action name
  • new - New action name
rename_rl_action( runlevel, S|K, order, old, new )

Change the name of a runlevel file. For internal use only.


Returns the runlevels entered at boot time. If more than one is returned, actions from all of them are used.

init_description( file, [&hasargs] )

Given a full path to an init.d file, returns a description from the comments about what it does. If the hasargs hash ref parameter is given, it is filled in with supported parameters to the action, like “start” and “stop”.

chkconfig_info( file )

If a file has a chkconfig: section specifying the runlevels to start in and the orders to use, return an array containing the levels (as array ref), start order, stop order and description.

action_status( action )

Returns 0 if some action doesn’t exist, 1 if it does but is not enabled, or 2 if it exists and is enabled. This works for all supported boot systems, such as init.d, OSX and FreeBSD.

enable_at_boot( action, description, startcode, stopcode, statuscode )

Makes some action start at boot time, creating the script by copying the specified file if necessary. The parameters are:

  • action - Name of the action to create or enable
  • description - A human-readable description for the action
  • startcode - Shell commands to run at boot time
  • stopcode - Shell commands to run at shutdown time
  • statuscode - Shell code to output the action"s status If this is called for a named action that already exists (even if it isn"t enabled), only the first parameter needs to be given
disable_at_boot( action )

Disabled some action from starting at boot, identified by the action parameter. The config files that define what commands the action runs are not touched, so it can be re-enabled with the enable_at_boot function.

start_action( name )

Start the action with the given name, using whatever method is appropriate for this operating system. Returns a status code (0 or 1 for failure or success) and all output from the action script.

stop_action( name )

Stop the action with the given name, using whatever method is appropriate for this operating system. Returns a status code (0 or 1 for failure or success) and all output from the action script.

restart_action( action )

Calls a stop then a start for some named action.

tab_indent( lines )

Given a string with multiple \n separated lines, returns the same string with lines prefixed by tabs.


Returns a list of runlevels that actions should be started in, either based on the module configuration or /etc/inittab.

runlevel_dir( runlevel )

Given a runlevel like 3, returns the directory containing symlinks for it, like /etc/rc2.d.

list_win32_services( [name] )

Returns a list of known Win32 services, each of which is a hash ref. If the name parameter is given, only details of that service are returned. Useful keys for each hash are:

  • name - A unique name for the service
  • desc - A human-readable description
  • boot - Set to 2 if started at boot, 3 if not, 4 if disabled
  • state - Set to 4 if running now, 1 if stopped
start_win32_service( name )

Attempts to start a service, returning undef on success, or some error message.

stop_win32_service( name )

Attempts to stop a service, returning undef on success, or some error message.

enable_win32_service( name )

Marks some service as starting at boot time. Returns undef on success or an error message on failure.

disable_win32_service( name )

Marks some service as disabled at boot time. Returns undef on success or an error message on failure.

create_win32_service( name, command, desc )

Creates a new win32 service, enabled at boot time. The required parameters are:

  • name - A unique name for the service
  • command - The DOS command to run at boot time
  • desc - A human-readable description.
delete_win32_service( name )

Delete some existing service, identified by some name. Returns undef on success or an error message on failure.


Returns a list of known BSD RC scripts, and their enabled statuses. Each element of the return list is a hash ref, with the following keys :

  • name - A unique name for the script
  • desc - A human-readable description
  • enabled - Set to 1 if enabled, 0 if not, 2 if unknown
  • file - Full path to the action script file
  • standard - Set to 0 for user-defined actions, 1 for those supplied with FreeBSD
save_rc_conf(name, value)

Internal function to modify the value of a single entry in the FreeBSD rc.conf file.


Reads the default and system-specific FreeBSD rc.conf files, and parses them into a list of hash refs. Each element in the list has the following keys:

  • name - Name of this configuration parameter. May appear more than once, with the later one taking precedence
  • value - Current value
  • cmt - A human-readable comment about the parameter

Mark some RC script as enabled at boot.


Mark some RC script as disabled at boot.


Attempt to start some RC script, and returns 1 or 0 (for success or failure) and the output.


Attempts to stop some RC script, and returns 1 or 0 (for success or failure) and the output.


Internal function to lock all FreeBSD rc.conf files.


Internal function to un-lock all FreeBSD rc.conf files.


Immediately reboots the system.


Immediately shuts down the system.