Functions from module cron

Functions for listing, creating and managing Unix users’ cron jobs.

my @jobs = cron::list_cron_jobs();
my $job = { 'user' => 'root',
            'active' => 1,
            'command' => 'ls -l >/dev/null',
            'special' => 'hourly' };

Returns a lists of structures of all cron jobs, each of which is a hash reference with the following keys:

  • user - Unix user the job runs as
  • command - The full command to be run
  • active - Set to 0 if the job is commented out, 1 if active
  • mins - Minute or comma-separated list of minutes the job will run, or * for all
  • hours - Hour or comma-separated list of hours the job will run, or * for all
  • days - Day or comma-separated list of days of the month the job will run, or * for all
  • month - Month number or comma-separated list of months (started from 1) the job will run, or * for all
  • weekday - Day of the week or comma-separated list of days (where 0 is sunday) the job will run, or * for all

Internal function to generate a crontab format line for a cron job.


Copies a user’s current cron job configuration to the temp file. For internal use only.


Add a cron job to a user’s file. The job parameter must be a hash reference in the same format as returned by list_cron_jobs.


Add a cron job at the top of the user’s file. The job parameter must be a hash reference in the same format as returned by list_cron_jobs.

renumber(file, line, offset)

All jobs in this file whose line is at or after the given one will be incremented by the offset. For internal use.

renumber_index(index, offset)

Internal function to change the index of all cron jobs in the cache after some index by a given offset. For internal use.


Updates the given cron job, which must be a hash ref returned by list_cron_jobs and modified with a new active flag, command or schedule.


Removes the cron job defined by the given hash ref, as returned by list_cron_jobs.


Return an array containing the lines of the cron table for some user. For internal use mainly.


Copy the cron temp file to that for this user. For internal use only.


Parse a crontab line into an array containing: active, mins, hrs, days, mons, weekdays, command

user_sub(command, user)

Replace the string USER in the command with the user name. For internal use only.


Returns a list of all Unix usernames who are allowed to use Cron.


Return a list of all Unix usernames who are not allowed to use Cron.

save_allowed(user, user, …)

Save the list of allowed Unix usernames.

save_denied(user, user, …)

Save the list of denied Unix usernames.


Returns an array of “name value” strings containing the environment settings from the crontab for some user

save_envs(user, [name, value]*)

Updates the cron file for some user with the given list of environment variables. All others in the file are removed.


Internal function to convert a directory like /etc/cron.hourly into a list of scripts in that directory.


Returns the dir if some cron job runs a list of commands in some directory, like /etc/cron.hourly. Returns undef otherwise.

can_edit_user(&access, user)

Returns 1 if the Webmin user whose permissions are defined by the access hash ref can manage cron jobs for a given Unix user.

show_times_input(&job, [nospecial])

Print HTML for inputs for selecting the schedule for a cron job, defined by the first parameter which must be a hash ref returned by list_cron_jobs. This must be used inside a <table>, as the HTML starts and ends with <tr> tags.

parse_times_input(&job, &in)

Parses inputs from the form generated by show_times_input, and updates a cron job hash ref. The in parameter must be a hash ref as generated by the ReadParse function.


Given a cron job, prints fields for selecting it’s run date range.

parse_range_input(&job, &in)

Updates the job object with the specified date range. May call error function for invalid inputs.


Convert day and month names to numbers. For internal use when parsing the crontab file.

create_wrapper(wrapper-path, module, script)

Creates a wrapper script which calls a script in some module’s directory with the proper webmin environment variables set. This should always be used when setting up a cron job, instead of attempting to run a command in the module directory directly.

The parameters are:

  • wrapper-path - Full path to the wrapper to create, i.e. /etc/webmin/yourmodule/
  • module - Module containing the real script to call
  • script - Program within that module for the wrapper to run

Returns the file that a cron job is in, or will be in when it is created based on the username.

when_text(&job, [upper-case-first])

Returns a human-readable text string describing when a cron job is run.


Returns 1 if some user is allowed to use cron, based on cron.allow and cron.deny files.

swap_cron_jobs(&job1, &job2)

Swaps two Cron jobs, which must be in the same file, identified by their hash references as returned by list_cron_jobs.

find_cron_process(&job, [&procs])

Finds the running process that was launched from a cron job. The parameters are:

  • job - A cron job hash reference
  • procs - An optional array reference of running process hash refs

Given a line formatted like command%input, returns the command and input parts, taking any escaping into account.


Given a cron job that uses, work out the date range and update the job object command. Mainly for internal use.


Give a cron job with start and end fields, updates the command to wrap it in with those dates as parameters.


Given a cron job with a # comment after the command, sets the comment field


Adds an comment back to the command in a cron job, based on the comment field of the given hash reference.


Returns an error message if the cron config doesn’t look valid, or some needed command is missing.


Calls check_cron_config, and then error function if any problems were detected.