Functions from ACL module

Library for editing webmin users, passwords and access rights.

 my @users = acl::list_users();
 $newguy = { 'name' => 'newguy',
             'pass' => acl::encrypt_password('smeg'),
             'modules' => [ 'useradmin' ] };

Returns a list of hashes containing Webmin user details. Useful keys include:

  • name - Login name
  • pass - Encrypted password
  • modules - Array references of modules
  • theme - Custom theme, if any

Returns a list of hashes, one per Webmin group. Group membership is stored in /etc/webmin/webmin.groups, and other attributes in the config file. Useful keys include:

  • name - Group name
  • members - Array reference of member users
  • modules - Modules to grant to members

Returns a list of the dirs of all modules available on this system.


Returns a list of the details of all modules that can be used on this system, each of which is a hash reference in the same format as their files.

create_user(&details, [clone])

Creates a new Webmin user, based on the hash reference in the details parameter. This must be in the same format as those returned by list_users. If the clone parameter is given, it must be a username to copy detailed access control settings from for this new user.

modify_user(old-name, &details)

Updates an existing Webmin user, identified by the old-name parameter. The details hash must be in the same format as returned by list_users or passed to create_user.


Deletes the named user, including all .acl files for detailed module access control settings.

create_group(&group, [clone])

Add a new webmin group, based on the details in the group hash. The required keys are:

  • name - Unique name of the group
  • modules - An array reference of module names
  • members - An array reference of group member names. Sub-groups must have their names prefixed with an @.
modify_group(name, &group)

Update a Webmin group, identified by the name parameter. The group’s new details are in the group hash ref, which must be in the same format as returned by list_groups.


Delete a webmin group, identified by the name parameter.


Internal function to generate a group file line.

acl_line(&user, &allmodules)

Internal function to generate an ACL file line.

can_edit_user(user, [&groups])

Returns 1 if the current Webmin user can edit some other user.


Opens the session database, and ties it to the sessiondb hash. Parameters are:

  • miniserv

    The Webmin miniserv.conf file as a hash ref, as supplied by get_miniserv_config

delete_session_id(%miniserv, id)

Deletes one session from the database. Parameters are:

  • miniserv

    The Webmin miniserv.conf file as a hash ref, as supplied by get_miniserv_config.

  • user

    ID of the session to remove.

delete_session_user(%miniserv, user)

Deletes all sessions for some user. Parameters are:

  • miniserv

    The Webmin miniserv.conf file as a hash ref, as supplied by get_miniserv_config.

  • user

    Name of the user whose sessions get removed.

rename_session_user(%miniserv, olduser, newuser)

Changes the username in all sessions for some user. Parameters are:

  • miniserv

    The Webmin miniserv.conf file as a hash ref, as supplied by get_miniserv_config.

  • olduser - The original username.

  • newuser - The new username.

update_members(&allusers, &allgroups, &modules, &members)

Update the modules for members users and groups of some group. The parameters are:

  • allusers - An array ref of all Webmin users, as returned by list_users.
  • allgroups - An array ref of all Webmin groups.
  • modules - Modules to assign to members.
  • members - An array ref of member user and group names.
copy_acl_files(from, to, &modules)

Copy all .acl files from some user to another user in a list of modules. The parameters are:

  • from - Source user name.
  • to - Destination user name.
  • modules - Array ref of module names.
copy_group_acl_files(from, to, &modules)

Copy all .acl files from some group to another in a list of modules. Parameters are:

  • from - Source group name.
  • to - Destination group name.
  • modules - Array ref of module names.
copy_group_user_acl_files(from, to, &modules)

Copy all .acl files from some group to a user in a list of modules. Parameters are:

  • from - Source group name.
  • to - Destination user name.
  • modules - Array ref of module names.
set_acl_files(&allusers, &allgroups, module, &members, &access)

Recursively update the ACL for all sub-users and groups of a group, by copying detailed access control settings from the group down to users. Parameters are:

  • allusers - An array ref of Webmin users, as returned by list_users.
  • allgroups - An array ref of Webmin groups.
  • module - Name of the module to update ACL for.
  • members - Names of group members.
  • access - The module ACL hash ref to copy to users.

Returns the path to the openssl command (or equivalent) on this system.

encrypt_password(password, [salt])

Encrypts and returns a Webmin user password. If the optional salt parameter is not given, a salt will be selected randomly.


Returns a list of Unix users/groups/all and the Webmin user that they authenticate as, as array references.

save_unixauth(%miniserv, &authlist)

Updates %miniserv with the given Unix auth list, which must be in the format returned by get_unixauth.


Removes the specified user from all groups.

check_password_restrictions(username, password)

Checks if some new password is valid for a user, and if not returns an error message.


Returns an MD5 or Unix-crypted session ID.


Returns a string encrypted in MD5 format.


Returns a Perl module for MD5 hashing, or undef if none.


Returns the session DB key for some session ID. Assumes that open_session_db has already been called.

setup_anonymous_access(path, module)

Grants anonymous access to some path. By default, the user for other anonymous access will be used, or if there is none, a user named anonymous will be created and granted access to the module.